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How to Record a Zoom Meeting Without Permission if You Aren't the Host.For more about accessing your local recordings and changing the recording location, see Local Recording in the Zoom Help Center. Recordings on your computer are saved in your Documents folder in the Zoom subfolder.
Recording folders are named for the date and time of recording, the meeting number, and the meeting name. To view a recording in the Cloud: Log into вот ссылка Zoom web portal. Click Recordings on the left-hand menu. Your Cloud recordings zoom meeting recording app for pc be listed источник the Cloud Recordings tab.
If the recording isn't finished processing, Processing Recording will be listed to the right of its name. Click the meeting name. You'll see three files you can download and share: video with audioaudio, and an automatically-generated transcript. Hover over a file to play it, or click DownloadShareor Delete. If you click Shareyou'll get a link for viewing the recording online. You can set the recording to zoom meeting recording app for pc or public to those who have the link.
You can allow viewers to download the recording. You can password protect the recording. To view a recording on your computer: Navigate to your computer's Documents folder. In Documentsopen the Zoom folder. Find the recording you'd like to жмите and open that folder. Double-click the file, and Zoom will convert the recording and show приведу ссылку the conversion status. If you want to share the recording, you'll have to save the file zoom meeting recording app for pc share it manually.
Back up recordings Recordings on the Cloud can be backed up on your computer. Recordings on your computer can be backed up by saving the entire recording folder that Zoom created to an additional drive.
Choose files or drag and drop files. Was this article helpful? Brad Anglin Posted Updated. Tweet Share on Facebook. Comments Please sign in to comment.
Zoom meeting recording app for pc.Top 12 Best Zoom Meeting Recording Software [2022 List]
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